Patch 3.0.2 - Inscription Class Glyph
Ed ecco la lista dei Class Glyph, trattandosi si una lista molto lunga ho ben pensato di spezzare il post su inscription in due :).
Death Knight
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Anti-Magic Shell (Req. lvl. 55) - Increases the duration of your Anti-Magic Shell by 5 sec but increases the cooldown by 15 sec.
Glyph of Blood Boil (Req. lvl. 55) - Lowers the damage of your Blood Boil by 20% but causes it to slow affected targets for 5 sec.
Glyph of Blood Strike (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Blood Strike causes an additional 20% damage to snared targets.
Glyph of Bone Shield (Req. lvl. 55) - Adds 1 additional charge to your Bone Shield.
Glyph of Chains of Ice (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Chains of Ice also causes 144 to 156 Frost damage, increased by your attack power.
Glyph of Dark Command (Req. lvl. 55) - Increases the chance for your Dark Command ability to work successfully by 8%.
Glyph of Death and Decay (Req. lvl. 55) - Targets of your Death and Decay have a 20% chance to cower in fear for 2 sec.
Glyph of Death Grip (Req. lvl. 55) - Increases the cooldown of Death Grip by 10 sec but stuns targets for 1 sec.
Glyph of Death Strike (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Death Strike's damage and healing increase by 2% for every 5 runic power you currently have. The runic power is not consumed by this effect.
Glyph of Frost Strike (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Frost Strikes have a 10% chance to Freeze the target for 8 sec.
Glyph of Icebound Fortitude (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Icebound Fortitude costs no runic power.
Glyph of Icy Touch (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Icy Touch does 10% less damage but generates 10 additional runic power.
Glyph of Obliterate (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Obliterate strikes for 20% additional weapon damage, but does 50% less bonus damage per disease.
Glyph of Plague Strike (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Plague Strike does 20% additional damage if there is a disease on the target.
Glyph of Rune Strike (Req. lvl. 55) - Increases the critical strike chance of your Rune Strike by 10% but increases cost by 5 runic power.
Glyph of Rune Tap (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Rune Tap also heals your party for 10% of their maximum health.
Glyph of Scourge Strike (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Scourge Strike has a 25% chance to cause Blood Plague and Frost Fever.
Glyph of Strangulate (Req. lvl. 55) - Increases the range of your Strangulate by 20 yards.
Glyph of the Ghoul (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Ghoul receives an additional 20% of your Strength.
Glyph of the Unbreakable Armor (Req. lvl. 55) - Unbreakable Armor grants an additional 5% parry chance but no longer increases your Strength.
Glyph of Vampiric Blood (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Vampiric Blood also heals you for 3% of your total health.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Blood Tap (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Blood Tap no longer causes damage to you.
Glyph of Corpse Explosion (Req. lvl. 55) - Any target killed by your Corpse Explosion will also explode. This effect cannot happen more than once every 6 seconds.
Glyph of Death's Embrace (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Death Coil refunds 20 runic power when used to heal.
Glyph of Horn of Winter (Req. lvl. 55) - Horn of Winter costs 10 less runic power.
Glyph of Pestilence (Req. lvl. 55) - Increases the radius of your Pestilence effect by 5 yards.
Glyph of Raise Dead (Req. lvl. 55) - You generate 20 runic power whenever you summon a ghoul.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Entangling Roots (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the damage your Entangling Roots victims can take before the Entangling Roots automatically breaks by 20%.
Glyph of Frenzied Regeneration (Req. lvl. 36) - While Frenzied Regeneration is active, healing effects on you are 20% more powerful.
Glyph of Growl (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the chance for your Growl ability to work successfully by 8%.
Glyph of Healing Touch (Req. lvl. 15) - Decreases the cast time of Healing Touch by 1.5 sec., the mana cost by 25%, and the amount healed by 50%.
Glyph of Hurricane (Req. lvl. 40) - Your Hurricane ability now also slows the movement speed of its victims by 20%.
Glyph of Innervate (Req. lvl. 40) - Your innervate ability now has an additional 20% strength mana regeneration effect on you, in addition to the effect on your primary target.
Glyph of Insect Swarm (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the damage of your Insect Swarm ability by 30%, but it no longer affects your victim's chance to hit.
Glyph of Lifebloom (Req. lvl. 64) - Increases the duration of Lifebloom by 1 sec.
Glyph of Mangle (Req. lvl. 50) - Increases the duration of Mangle by 6 sec.
Glyph of Maul (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Maul ability now hits 1 additional target.
Glyph of Moonfire (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the periodic damage of your Moonfire ability by 75%, but initial damage is decreased by 90%.
Glyph of Rake (Req. lvl. 24) - Your Rake ability prevents targets from fleeing.
Glyph of Rebirth (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the amount of health on a character brought back to life via Rebirth by 100%.
Glyph of Regrowth (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the healing of your Regrowth spell by 20% if your Regrowth effect is still active on the target.
Glyph of Rejuvenation (Req. lvl. 15) - While your rejuvenation targets are below 50% health, you will heal them for an additional 50% health.
Glyph of Rip (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the duration of your Rip ability by 4 sec.
Glyph of Shred (Req. lvl. 22) - Increases the damage dealt by Shred to stunned and incapacitated targets by 20%.
Glyph of Starfall (Req. lvl. 60) - Increases the duration of Starfall by 2 sec.
Glyph of Starfire (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Starfire ability increases the duration of your Moonfire effect on the target by 3 sec.
Glyph of Swiftmend (Req. lvl. 40) - Your Swiftmend ability no longer consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect from the target.
Glyph of Wrath (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the chance you'll resist spell interruption when casting your Wrath spell by 50%.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Aquatic Form (Req. lvl. 16) - Increases your swim speed by 50% while in Aquatic Form.
Glyph of Challenging Roar (Req. lvl. 28) - Reduces the cooldown of your Challenging Roar ability by 30 sec.
Glyph of Dash (Req. lvl. 16) - Reduces the cooldown of your Dash ability by 20%.
Glyph of the Wild (Req. lvl. 15) - Mana cost of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells reduced by 50%.
Glyph of Thorns (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Thorns ability by 50 min when cast on yourself.
Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Rebirth spell no longer requires a reagent.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Aimed Shot (Req. lvl. 20) - Reduces the mana cost of your Aimed Shot ability by 20%.
Glyph of Arcane Shot (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Arcane Shot refunds 20% of its mana cost if the target has one of your Stings active on it.
Glyph of Aspect of the Beast (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the attack power bonus of Aspect of the Beast for you and your pet by an additional 2%.
Glyph of Aspect of the Monkey (Req. lvl. 15) - While Aspect of the Moneky is active, each time you dodge you gain 30% increased movement speed for 6 sec.
Glyph of Aspect of the Viper (Req. lvl. 64) - Increases the amount of mana gained from attacks while Aspect of the Viper is active by 10%.
Glyph of Bestial Wrath (Req. lvl. 40) - Decreases the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by 20 sec.
Glyph of Deterrence (Req. lvl. 20) - Decreases the cooldown of Deterrence by 20 sec.
Glyph of Disengage (Req. lvl. 20) - Decreases the cooldown of Disengage by 5 sec.
Glyph of Freezing Trap (Req. lvl. 20) - When your Freezing Trap breaks, the victim's movement speed is reduced by 30% for 4 sec.
Glyph of Frost Trap (Req. lvl. 28) - Increases the radius of the effect from your Frost Trap by 2 yards.
Glyph of Hunter's Mark (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the attack power bonus of your Hunter's Mark by 20%.
Glyph of Immolation Trap (Req. lvl. 16) - Decreases the duration of the effect from your Immolation Trap by 6 sec., but damage while active is increased by 100%.
Glyph of Improved Aspect of the Hawk (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the haste bonus of the Improved Aspect of the Hawk effect by an additional 6%.
Glyph of Multi-Shot (Req. lvl. 18) - Decreases the cooldown of Multi-Shot by 1 sec.
Glyph of Rapid Fire (Req. lvl. 26) - Increases the haste from Rapid Fire by an additional 8%.
Glyph of Serpent Sting (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Serpent Sting by 3 sec.
Glyph of Snake Trap (Req. lvl. 68) - Your Snake Trap creates 2 additional snakes.
Glyph of Steady Shot (Req. lvl. 62) - Increases the damage dealt by Steady Shot by 10% when your target is afflicted with Serpent Sting.
Glyph of Trueshot Aura (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the attack power bonus of Trueshot Aura by an additional 2%.
Glyph of Volley (Req. lvl. 40) - Decreases the mana cost of Volley by 20%.
Glyph of Wyvern Sting (Req. lvl. 40) - Decreases the cooldown of your Wyvern Sting by 15 sec., but decreases the damage it deals by 20%.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Feign Death (Req. lvl. 30) - Reduces the cooldown of your Feign Death spell by 5 sec.
Glyph of Mend Pet (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Mend Pet spell increases your pet's happiness slightly.
Glyph of Possessed Strength (Req. lvl. 18) - Increases the damage your pet inflicts while using Eyes of the Beast by 50%.
Glyph of Revive Pet (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Revive Pet by 100%.
Glyph of Scare Beast (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Scare Beast by 75%.
Glyph of the Pack (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the range of your Aspect of the Pack ability by 15 yards.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Arcane Explosion (Req. lvl. 19) - Reduces mana cost of Arcane Explosion by 10%.
Glyph of Arcane Missiles (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the range of Arcane Missiles by 5 yards.
Glyph of Arcane Power (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the duration of Arcane Power by 3 sec.
Glyph of Blink (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the distance you travel with the Blink spell by 5 yards.
Glyph of Evocation (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Evocation ability also causes you to regain 60% of your health over its duration.
Glyph of Fire Blast (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the critical strike chance of Fire Blast by 50% when the target is stunned or incapacitated.
Glyph of Fireball (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the critical strike chance of Fireball by 5%, but removes the damage over time effect.
Glyph of Frost Nova (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Frost Nova targets can take an additional 20% damage before the Frost Nova effect automatically breaks.
Glyph of Frostbolt (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the damage dealt by Frostbolt by 5%, but removes the slowing effect.
Glyph of Frostfire (Req. lvl. 75) - Increases the initial damage dealt by Frostfire Bolt by 2% and its critical strike chance by 2%.
Glyph of Ice Armor (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Ice Armor and Frost Armor spells grant an additional 20% armor and resistance.
Glyph of Ice Block (Req. lvl. 30) - Your Frost Nova cooldown is now reset every time you use Ice Block.
Glyph of Ice Lance (Req. lvl. 66) - Increases the range of your Ice Lance by 5 yards.
Glyph of Icy Veins (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Icy Veins ability also removes all movement slowing and cast time slowing effects.
Glyph of Improved Scorch (Req. lvl. 20) - The Improved Scorch talent now generates 3 applications of the Improved Scorch effect each time Scorch is cast.
Glyph of Invisibility (Req. lvl. 68) - Increases the duration of the Invisibility effect by 5 sec.
Glyph of Mage Armor (Req. lvl. 34) - Your Mage Armor spell grants an additional 20% mana regeneration while casting.
Glyph of Mana Gem (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the mana recieved from using a mana gem by 10%.
Glyph of Molten Armor (Req. lvl. 62) - Your Molten Armor spell grants an additional 2% critical strike chance.
Glyph of Polymorph (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Polymorph spell also removes all damage over time effects from the target.
Glyph of Remove Curse (Req. lvl. 18) - Your Remove Curse spell also makes the target immune to all Curses for 4 sec.
Glyph of Water Elemental (Req. lvl. 50) - Reduces the cooldown of your Summon Water Elemental spell by 30 sec.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Arcane Intellect (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the mana cost of your Arcane Intellect and Arcane Brilliance spells by 50%.
Glyph of Fire Ward (Req. lvl. 20) - You have an additional 5% chance to reflect Fire spells while your Fire Ward is active.
Glyph of Frost Armor (Req. lvl. 15) - Increase the duration of your Frost Armor and Ice Armor spells by 30 min.
Glyph of Frost Ward (Req. lvl. 20) - You have an additional 5% chance to reflect Frost spells while your Frost Ward is active.
Glyph of Slow Fall (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Slow Fall spell no longer requires a reagent.
Glyph of the Bear Cub (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Polymorph: Sheep spell polymorphs the target into a polar bear cub instead.
Glyph of the Penguin (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Polymorph: Sheep spell polymorphs the target into a penguin instead.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Avenger's Shield (Req. lvl. 50) - Your Avenger's Shield hits 2 fewer targets, but for 100% more damage.
Glyph of Avenging Wrath (Req. lvl. 70) - Reduces the cooldown of your Hammer of Wrath spell by 50% while Avenging Wrath is active.
Glyph of Cleansing (Req. lvl. 35) - Reduces the mana cost of your Cleanse and Purify spells by 20%.
Glyph of Consecration (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the duration and cooldown of Consecration by 2 sec.
Glyph of Crusader Strike (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Crusader strike deals 20% more damage when your target is incapacitated or stunned.
Glyph of Divinity (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Lay on Hands also grants you as much mana as it grants your target.
Glyph of Exorcism (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Exorcism also interrupts spellcasting for 2 sec.
Glyph of Flash of Light (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Flash of Light heals for 50% less initially, but also heals for 140% of its inital effect over 12 sec.
Glyph of Hammer of Justice (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases your Hammer of Justice duration by 1 sec.
Glyph of Hammer of Wrath (Req. lvl. 44) - Increases the range on Hammer of Wrath by 5 yards.
Glyph of Holy Light (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Holy Light grants 10% of its heal amount to up to 5 friendly targets within 100 yds of the initial target.
Glyph of Judgement (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Judgements deal 10% more damage.
Glyph of Righteous Defense (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the chance for your Righteous Defense ability to work successfully by 8% on each target.
Glyph of Seal of Blood (Req. lvl. 50) - Your Seal of Blood or Seal of the Martyr increases the mana received from Spiritual Attunement by 10% while active.
Glyph of Seal of Command (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the chance of dealing Seal of Command damage by 20%.
Glyph of Seal of Light (Req. lvl. 30) - While Seal of Light is active, the effect of your healing spells is increased by 5%.
Glyph of Seal of Righteousness (Req. lvl. 50) - Reduces the cost of your Judgement spells by 10% while Seal of Righteousness is active.
Glyph of Seal of Vengeance (Req. lvl. 50) - Your Seal of Vengeance or Seal of Corruption also grants 10 expertise while active.
Glyph of Seal of Wisdom (Req. lvl. 38) - While Seal of Wisdom is active, the cost of your healing spells is reduced by 5%.
Glyph of Spiritual Attunement (Req. lvl. 18) - Increases the amount of mana gained from your Spiritual Attunement spell by an additional 2%.
Glyph of Turn Evil (Req. lvl. 24) - Reduces the casting time of your Turn Evil spell by 100%.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Blessing of Kings (Req. lvl. 20) - Reduces the mana cost of your Blessing of Kings and Greater Blessing of Kings spells by 50%.
Glyph of Blessing of Might (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Blessing of Might spell by 20 min when cast on yourself.
Glyph of Blessing of Wisdom (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Blessing of Wisdom spell by 20 min when cast on yourself.
Glyph of Lay on Hands (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the mana restored by your Lay on Hands spell by 20%.
Glyph of Sense Undead (Req. lvl. 20) - Damage against Undead increased by 1% while your Sense Undead ability is active.
Glyph of the Wise (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the mana cost of your Seal of Wisdom spell by 50%.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Circle of Healing (Req. lvl. 50) - Your Circle of Healing spell heals 1 additional target.
Glyph of Dispel Magic (Req. lvl. 18) - Your Dispel Magic spell also heals your target for 6% of maximum health.
Glyph of Fade (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration and cooldown of your Fade spell by 50%.
Glyph of Fear Ward (Req. lvl. 20) - Reduces cooldown and duration of Fear Ward by 30 sec.
Glyph of Flash Heal (Req. lvl. 20) - Reduces the mana cost of your Flash Heal by 10%.
Glyph of Holy Nova (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Holy Nova spell heals for an additional 40%, but deals 40% less damage.
Glyph of Inner Fire (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the charges on your Inner Fire spell by 20.
Glyph of Lightwell (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the amount healed by your Lightwell by 20%
Glyph of Mass Dispel (Req. lvl. 70) - Reduces the mana cost of Mass Dispel by 20%.
Glyph of Mind Control (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the duration of your Mind Control spell by 12 sec.
Glyph of Mind Flay (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the range of your Mind Flay spell by 10 yards, but it no longer reduces the target's movement speed.
Glyph of Mind Soothe (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the duration of your Mind Soothe spell by 5 sec. and reduces the range at which the victim will attack by an additional 100%.
Glyph of Power Word: Shield (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Power Word: Shield also heals the target for 20% of the absorption amount.
Glyph of Prayer of Healing (Req. lvl. 30) - Your Prayer of Healing spell also heals an additional 20% of its initial heal over 6 sec.
Glyph of Psychic Scream (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Psychic Scream by 1 sec.
Glyph of Renew (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the duration of your Renew by 3 sec. but increases the amount healed each tick by 25%.
Glyph of Scourge Imprisonment (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the chance of success for your Shackle Undead spell by 8%.
Glyph of Shadow Word: Death (Req. lvl. 62) - Targets below 35% health take an additional 10% damage from your Shadow Word: Death spell.
Glyph of Shadow Word: Pain (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the mana cost of your Shadow Word: Pain spell by 20%.
Glyph of Smite (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the chance you'll resist spell interruption when casting your Smite spell by 50%.
Glyph of Spirit of Redemption (Req. lvl. 30) - All heals cast while Spirit of Redemption is active have a 20% chance to increase the remaining duration of Spirit of Redemption by 5 sec.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Fading (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the mana cost of your Fade spell by 30%.
Glyph of Fortitude (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the mana cost of your Power Word: Fortitude and Prayer of Fortitude spells by 50%.
Glyph of Levitate (Req. lvl. 34) - Your Levitate spell no longer requires a reagent.
Glyph of Shackle Undead (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the range of your Shackle Undead spell by 5 yards.
Glyph of Shadow Protection (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the duration of your Shadow Protection and Prayer of Shadow Protection spells by 10 min.
Glyph of Shadowfiend (Req. lvl. 66) - Receive 5% of your maximum mana if your Shadowfiend dies from damage.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Adrenaline Rush (Req. lvl. 40) - Decreases the cooldown of Adrenaline Rush by 60 sec.
Glyph of Ambush (Req. lvl. 18) - Increases the range on Ambush by 5 yards.
Glyph of Backstab (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the damage dealt by Backstab to stunned and incapacitated targets by 20%.
Glyph of Blade Flurry (Req. lvl. 30) - Reduces the energy cost of Blade Flurry by 100%.
Glyph of Crippling Poison (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the chance to trigger Crippling Poison by 10%.
Glyph of Deadly Throw (Req. lvl. 64) - Increases the range on Deadly Throw by 5 yards.
Glyph of Evasion (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of Evasion by 5 sec.
Glyph of Eviscerate (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the critical strike chance of Eviscerate by 10%.
Glyph of Expose Armor (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of Expose Armor by 10 sec.
Glyph of Feint (Req. lvl. 16) - Reduces the energy cost of Feint by 10.
Glyph of Garrote (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the duration of your Garrote ability by 3 sec and increases the total damage it deals by 20%.
Glyph of Ghostly Strike (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the damage dealt by Ghostly Strike by 40% and the duration of its effect by 4 sec, but increases its cooldown by 10 sec.
Glyph of Gouge (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the energy cost of Gouge by 10.
Glyph of Hemorrhage (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the damage bonus against targets afflicted by Hemorrhage by 40%.
Glyph of Preparation (Req. lvl. 30) - Your Preparation ability also instantly resets the cooldown of Blade Flurry, Dismantle, and Kick.
Glyph of Rupture (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the duration of Rupture by 5 sec.
Glyph of Sap (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of Sap by 10 sec.
Glyph of Shiv (Req. lvl. 70) - Reduces the energy cost of Shiv by 5.
Glyph of Sinister Strike (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Sinister Strike critical strikes have a 40% chance to add an additional combo point.
Glyph of Slice and Dice (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of Slice and Dice by 3 sec.
Glyph of Sprint (Req. lvl. 15) - Decreases the cooldown of Sprint by 60 sec.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Blurred Speed (Req. lvl. 15) - Enables you to walk on water while your Sprint ability is active.
Glyph of Distract (Req. lvl. 22) - Increases the range of your Distract ability by 5 yards.
Glyph of Pick Lock (Req. lvl. 16) - Reduces the cast time of your Pick Lock ability by 75%.
Glyph of Pick Pocket (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the range of your Pick Pocket ability by 5 yards.
Glyph of Safe Fall (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the distance your Safe Fall ability allows you to fall without taking damage.
Glyph of Vanish (Req. lvl. 22) - Increases your movement speed by 30% while the Vanish effect is active.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Chain Heal (Req. lvl. 40) - Your Chain Heal heals 1 additional target.
Glyph of Chain Lightning (Req. lvl. 32) - Your Chain Lightning strikes 1 additional target.
Glyph of Earth Elemental Totem (Req. lvl. 66) - Reduces the cooldown of your Earth Elemental Totem by 4 min.
Glyph of Earth Shock (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the global cooldown triggered by your Earth Shock ability by 1 sec.
Glyph of Earthliving Weapon (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the chance for your Earthliving weapon to trigger by 5%.
Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem (Req. lvl. 68) - Reduces the cooldown of your Fire Elemental Totem by 4 min.
Glyph of Fire Nova Totem (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the radius of Fire Nova Totem's effect by 2 yards.
Glyph of Flame Shock (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Flame Shock ability by 3 sec.
Glyph of Flametongue Weapon (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases spell critical strike chance by 2% while Flametongue Weapon is active.
Glyph of Frost Shock (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the duration of your Frost Shock by 2 sec.
Glyph of Healing Stream Totem (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Healing Stream Totem heals for an additional 20%.
Glyph of Healing Wave (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Healing Wave also heals you for 20% of the healing effect when you heal someone else.
Glyph of Lesser Healing Wave (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Lesser Healing Wave heals for 20% more if the target is also affected by your Earth Shield.
Glyph of Lightning Bolt (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the cost of your Lightning Bolt ability by 10%.
Glyph of Lightning Shield (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the damage from Lightning Shield by 20%.
Glyph of Mana Tide Totem (Req. lvl. 40) - Your Mana Tide Totem grants an additional Spell Power of each target's maximum mana each time it pulses.
Glyph of Stormstrike (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the nature damage bonus from your Stormstrike ability by an additional 8%.
Glyph of Strength of Earth Totem (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Strength of Earth Totem also grants 1% melee and ranged critical strike chance.
Glyph of Totem of Wrath (Req. lvl. 50) - Your Totem of Wrath also grants 1% spell haste.
Glyph of Water Mastery (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the passive mana regeneration of your Water Shield spell by 30%.
Glyph of Windfury Weapon (Req. lvl. 30) - The attack power bonus on the additional attacks granted by Windfury Weapon is increased by 40%.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Astral Recall (Req. lvl. 30) - Cooldown of your Astral Recall spell reduced by 2.5 min.
Glyph of Ghost Wolf (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Ghost Wolf form regenerates an additional 1% of your maximum health every 5 sec.
Glyph of Renewed Life (Req. lvl. 30) - All stats increased by 5% for 1 min when you Reincarnate.
Glyph of Water Breathing (Req. lvl. 22) - Your Water Breathing spell no longer requires a reagent.
Glyph of Water Shield (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the number of charges on your Water Shield spell by 1.
Glyph of Water Walking (Req. lvl. 28) - Your Water Walking spell no longer requires a reagent.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Banish (Req. lvl. 28) - Increases the duration of your Banish by 5 sec.
Glyph of Conflagrate (Req. lvl. 40) - Reduces the mana cost of your Conflagrate by 20%.
Glyph of Corruption (Req. lvl. 15) - You Corruption spell has a 4% chance to cause you to enter a Shadow Trance state after damaging the opponent. The Shadow Trance state reduces the casting time of your next Shadow Bolt spell by 100%.
Glyph of Curse of Agony (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Curse of Agony by 4 sec.
Glyph of Death Coil (Req. lvl. 42) - Increases the duration of your Death Coil by 0.5 sec.
Glyph of Fear (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the damage your Fear target can take before the Fear effect is removed by 20%.
Glyph of Felguard (Req. lvl. 50) - Increases the Felguard's total attack power by 10%.
Glyph of Felhunter (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the critical strike chance of your Felhunter's Shadow Bite ability by 6%.
Glyph of Health Funnel (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the chance you'll resist spell interruption when channeling your Health Funnel spell by 100%.
Glyph of Healthstone (Req. lvl. 15) - You receive 30% more healing from using a healthstone.
Glyph of Howl of Terror (Req. lvl. 40) - Reduces the cooldown on your Howl of Terror spell by 8 sec.
Glyph of Immolate (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the periodic damage of your Immolate by 20% but decreases its initial damage by 10%.
Glyph of Imp (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the damage done by your Imp's Firebolt spell by 10%.
Glyph of Searing Pain (Req. lvl. 18) - Increases the critical strike bonus of your Searing Pain by 20%.
Glyph of Shadow Bolt (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the mana cost of your Shadow Bolt by 10%.
Glyph of Shadowburn (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the critical strike chance of Shadowburn by 20% when the target is below 35% health.
Glyph of Siphon Life (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the effect of your Siphon Life spell by 20%.
Glyph of Soulstone (Req. lvl. 18) - Increases the amount of health you gain from resurrecting via your Soulstone by 300%.
Glyph of Succubus (Req. lvl. 26) - Increases the duration of your Succubus's Seduction by 3 sec.
Glyph of Unstable Affliction (Req. lvl. 50) - Decreases the casting time of your Unstable Affliction by 0.2 sec.
Glyph of Voidwalker (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases your Voidwalker's total Stamina by 20%.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Curse of Exhaustion (Req. lvl. 70) - Increases the range of your Curse of Exhaustion spell by 5 yards.
Glyph of Drain Soul (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Drain Soul ability occasionally creates an additional soul shard.
Glyph of Enslave Demon (Req. lvl. 30) - Reduces the cast time of your Enslave Demon spell by 50%.
Glyph of Kilrogg (Req. lvl. 22) - Increases the movement speed of your Eye of Kilrogg by 50% and allows it to fly in areas where flying mounts are enabled.
Glyph of Souls (Req. lvl. 68) - Your Ritual of Souls spell no longer requires a Soul Shard.
Glyph of Unending Breath (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the swim speed of targets affected by your Unending Breath spell by 20%.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Barbaric Insults (Req. lvl. 16) - Your Mocking Blow ability also taunts the target.
Glyph of Blocking (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases your block value by 10% for 10 sec after using your Shield Slam ability.
Glyph of Bloodthirst (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the healing you receive from your Bloodthirst ability by 20%.
Glyph of Cleaving (Req. lvl. 20) - Reduces the rage cost of Cleave by 5.
Glyph of Devastate (Req. lvl. 50) - Your Devastate ability now applies two stacks of Sunder Armor.
Glyph of Execution (Req. lvl. 24) - Your Execute ability deals damage as if you had 10 additional rage.
Glyph of Hamstring (Req. lvl. 15) - Gives your Hamstring ability a 10% chance to immobilize the target for 5 sec.
Glyph of Heroic Strike (Req. lvl. 15) - You gain 10 rage when you critically strike with your Heroic Strike ability.
Glyph of Intervene (Req. lvl. 70) - Increases the number attacks you intercept for your Intervene target by 1.
Glyph of Last Stand (Req. lvl. 20) - Reduces the cooldown of your Last Stand ability by 3 min, but also reduces the maximum health gained by 10%.
Glyph of Mortal Strike (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the damage of your Mortal Strike ability by 10% but the healing penalty is reduced by half.
Glyph of Overpower (Req. lvl. 15) - Adds a 50% chance to enable your Overpower when your attacks are parried.
Glyph of Rapid Charge (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the cooldown of your Charge ability by 20%.
Glyph of Rending (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Rend ability by 3 sec.
Glyph of Resonating Power (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the rage cost of your Thunder Clap ability by 5.
Glyph of Revenge (Req. lvl. 15) - After using Revenge, your next Heroic Strike costs no rage.
Glyph of Sunder Armor (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Sunder Armor ability affects a second nearby target.
Glyph of Sweeping Strikes (Req. lvl. 30) - You generate 30 rage over 12 sec when you use your Sweeping Strikes ability.
Glyph of Taunt (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the chance for your Taunt ability to succeed by 8%.
Glyph of Victory Rush (Req. lvl. 62) - Your Victory Rush ability has a 30% increased critical strike chance against targets above 90% health.
Glyph of Whirlwind (Req. lvl. 36) - Increases the number of targets your Whirlwind ability hits by 1.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Battle (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Battle Shout ability by 1 min.
Glyph of Bloodrage (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the health cost of your Bloodrage ability by 50%.
Glyph of Charge (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the range of your Charge ability by 5 yards.
Glyph of Enduring Victory (Req. lvl. 62) - Increases the window of opportunity in which you can use Victory Rush by 5 sec.
Glyph of Mocking Blow (Req. lvl. 16) - Increases the damage of your Mocking Blow ability by 25%.
Glyph of Thunder Clap (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the radius of your Thunder Clap ability by 2 yards.
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