E se 11 milioni vi sembrano pochi...
Direi che questo grafico che mostra il market share degli utenti di MMO si spiega da solo.
Direi che questo grafico che mostra il market share degli utenti di MMO si spiega da solo.
Di seguito il blue post che annuncia la fine della zombie invasion (meno male che non ne potevo più XD).
Il termine dell'invansione è previsto per questo pomeriggio, tuttavia il nuovo boss di Karazhan e alcune ondate di zombie npc ci saranno ancora per pochi giorni, ma questo non significa che l'avvento del Re Lich sia giunto al termine!
"Vorremmo ringraziare i giocatori per aver partecipato in maniera così zelante (e aver combattuto valorosamente!) durante la Grande Piaga del 2008. La nostra intenzione, con questo evento, era di creare qualcosa di memorabile e che cambiasse letteralmente la faccia di Azeroth per alcuni giorni. Questo evento è solo il primo di molti che porteranno al lancio di Wrath of the Lich King. Come sapete, l' invasione della Scourge si sta svolgendo in questo momento ma ci succederanno alcune cose molto cool prima della fine effettiva. Inoltre, Hallow's End continua!
Siamo coscienti che questo evento può essere frustrante a volte, ma speriamo che possiate goderne il più possibile finché durerà. Una part del concetto di giocare in un "mondo vivente in costante movimento" significa che le cose sono soggetta a dei cambiamenti con il passare del tempo. Non è nelle nostre intenzione offendere ma volevamo creare una sensazione effettiva sui giocatori che si approcciano al Northrend per sconfiggere il Lich King. lo scopo del Lich King (come avrete occasione di vedere ben presto) è, non solo, di mettere l'Orda e l'Alleanza l'una contro l'altra, ma anche di creare sommosse tra le fila di Orda e Alleanza stessa. Credo che la piaga dimostri effettivamente questo punto.
Però sembra che una cura sia stata finalmente trovata… per ora.
Grazie ancora per aver partecipato al nostro evento più memorabile… che siate riusciti a sopravvivere oppure… ceeeeeervelloooooooooo…
Un paio di note importanti:
* La scourge invasion continuerà per qualche giorno.
* L'evento prologo non è finito! Nuove all'orizzonte!!
* Il boss di Karazhan ci sarà per un'altra settimana circa
* Abbiamo aumentato il respawn rate delle Necropoli
* La cura per il contagio degli Zombie dovrebbe esserci da questo pomeriggio"
Wrath of the Lich King - World Event
Mentre scrivo questo post dovrebbe essere iniziato l'evento che anticipa Wrath of the Lich King. Di seguito alcune anticipazioni su cosa aspettarsi da questo evento. L'evento è appena iniziato, quindi è posibile che più avanti ci siano aggiornamenti in materia.
* Spawneranno gruppi di zombie in modo casuale, vicino alle città, infettando chiunque venga danneggiato da loro.
* Le persone infettate potranno essere guarite sia dagli altri giocatori che dagli Argent Healers che si troveranno sparsi per i territori.
* Se un giocatore o un NPC non viene curato entro 10 minuti si trasformerà in uno zombie!
* I giocatori che si trasformano in zombi hanno accesso a dei set di nuove abilità che gli permetteranno di attaccare ed infettare a loro volta altri giocatori, diventando friendly con gli altri zombie e ostili a tutti i giocatori e fazioni.
* Non sprecate tempo creando un pg di livello 1, essere ostili con tutti i giocatori e le fazioni significa che tutte le guardie vi attaccheranno a vista.
* Questa sembra essere solo una prima fase dell'evento perchè l'impressione generale è che la trama non sia del tutto sviluppata.
* Sembra che duellando con un pg infetto ed uccidendolo, questo si trasformi istantaneamente in uno zombie.
* La fonte del contagio si trova a Booty Bay. Si viene infettati lootando delle casse sospette
Approfittando della calma innaturale die questo pomeriggio ho aggiunto qui a lato una piccola playlist con alcuni brani tratti dalla colonna sonora di WOW e alcuni tributi.
Purtroppo il motore di ricerca del sito playlist.com non aeva granché, avrei voluto caricare in playlist anche qualche background musci delle taverne e qualche altro brano tributo, ma tant'è...
Prometto che terrò sottocchio il loro database per futuri aggiornamenti :)
Ed ecco la lista dei Class Glyph, trattandosi si una lista molto lunga ho ben pensato di spezzare il post su inscription in due :).
Death Knight
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Anti-Magic Shell (Req. lvl. 55) - Increases the duration of your Anti-Magic Shell by 5 sec but increases the cooldown by 15 sec.
Glyph of Blood Boil (Req. lvl. 55) - Lowers the damage of your Blood Boil by 20% but causes it to slow affected targets for 5 sec.
Glyph of Blood Strike (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Blood Strike causes an additional 20% damage to snared targets.
Glyph of Bone Shield (Req. lvl. 55) - Adds 1 additional charge to your Bone Shield.
Glyph of Chains of Ice (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Chains of Ice also causes 144 to 156 Frost damage, increased by your attack power.
Glyph of Dark Command (Req. lvl. 55) - Increases the chance for your Dark Command ability to work successfully by 8%.
Glyph of Death and Decay (Req. lvl. 55) - Targets of your Death and Decay have a 20% chance to cower in fear for 2 sec.
Glyph of Death Grip (Req. lvl. 55) - Increases the cooldown of Death Grip by 10 sec but stuns targets for 1 sec.
Glyph of Death Strike (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Death Strike's damage and healing increase by 2% for every 5 runic power you currently have. The runic power is not consumed by this effect.
Glyph of Frost Strike (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Frost Strikes have a 10% chance to Freeze the target for 8 sec.
Glyph of Icebound Fortitude (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Icebound Fortitude costs no runic power.
Glyph of Icy Touch (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Icy Touch does 10% less damage but generates 10 additional runic power.
Glyph of Obliterate (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Obliterate strikes for 20% additional weapon damage, but does 50% less bonus damage per disease.
Glyph of Plague Strike (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Plague Strike does 20% additional damage if there is a disease on the target.
Glyph of Rune Strike (Req. lvl. 55) - Increases the critical strike chance of your Rune Strike by 10% but increases cost by 5 runic power.
Glyph of Rune Tap (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Rune Tap also heals your party for 10% of their maximum health.
Glyph of Scourge Strike (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Scourge Strike has a 25% chance to cause Blood Plague and Frost Fever.
Glyph of Strangulate (Req. lvl. 55) - Increases the range of your Strangulate by 20 yards.
Glyph of the Ghoul (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Ghoul receives an additional 20% of your Strength.
Glyph of the Unbreakable Armor (Req. lvl. 55) - Unbreakable Armor grants an additional 5% parry chance but no longer increases your Strength.
Glyph of Vampiric Blood (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Vampiric Blood also heals you for 3% of your total health.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Blood Tap (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Blood Tap no longer causes damage to you.
Glyph of Corpse Explosion (Req. lvl. 55) - Any target killed by your Corpse Explosion will also explode. This effect cannot happen more than once every 6 seconds.
Glyph of Death's Embrace (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Death Coil refunds 20 runic power when used to heal.
Glyph of Horn of Winter (Req. lvl. 55) - Horn of Winter costs 10 less runic power.
Glyph of Pestilence (Req. lvl. 55) - Increases the radius of your Pestilence effect by 5 yards.
Glyph of Raise Dead (Req. lvl. 55) - You generate 20 runic power whenever you summon a ghoul.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Entangling Roots (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the damage your Entangling Roots victims can take before the Entangling Roots automatically breaks by 20%.
Glyph of Frenzied Regeneration (Req. lvl. 36) - While Frenzied Regeneration is active, healing effects on you are 20% more powerful.
Glyph of Growl (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the chance for your Growl ability to work successfully by 8%.
Glyph of Healing Touch (Req. lvl. 15) - Decreases the cast time of Healing Touch by 1.5 sec., the mana cost by 25%, and the amount healed by 50%.
Glyph of Hurricane (Req. lvl. 40) - Your Hurricane ability now also slows the movement speed of its victims by 20%.
Glyph of Innervate (Req. lvl. 40) - Your innervate ability now has an additional 20% strength mana regeneration effect on you, in addition to the effect on your primary target.
Glyph of Insect Swarm (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the damage of your Insect Swarm ability by 30%, but it no longer affects your victim's chance to hit.
Glyph of Lifebloom (Req. lvl. 64) - Increases the duration of Lifebloom by 1 sec.
Glyph of Mangle (Req. lvl. 50) - Increases the duration of Mangle by 6 sec.
Glyph of Maul (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Maul ability now hits 1 additional target.
Glyph of Moonfire (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the periodic damage of your Moonfire ability by 75%, but initial damage is decreased by 90%.
Glyph of Rake (Req. lvl. 24) - Your Rake ability prevents targets from fleeing.
Glyph of Rebirth (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the amount of health on a character brought back to life via Rebirth by 100%.
Glyph of Regrowth (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the healing of your Regrowth spell by 20% if your Regrowth effect is still active on the target.
Glyph of Rejuvenation (Req. lvl. 15) - While your rejuvenation targets are below 50% health, you will heal them for an additional 50% health.
Glyph of Rip (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the duration of your Rip ability by 4 sec.
Glyph of Shred (Req. lvl. 22) - Increases the damage dealt by Shred to stunned and incapacitated targets by 20%.
Glyph of Starfall (Req. lvl. 60) - Increases the duration of Starfall by 2 sec.
Glyph of Starfire (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Starfire ability increases the duration of your Moonfire effect on the target by 3 sec.
Glyph of Swiftmend (Req. lvl. 40) - Your Swiftmend ability no longer consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect from the target.
Glyph of Wrath (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the chance you'll resist spell interruption when casting your Wrath spell by 50%.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Aquatic Form (Req. lvl. 16) - Increases your swim speed by 50% while in Aquatic Form.
Glyph of Challenging Roar (Req. lvl. 28) - Reduces the cooldown of your Challenging Roar ability by 30 sec.
Glyph of Dash (Req. lvl. 16) - Reduces the cooldown of your Dash ability by 20%.
Glyph of the Wild (Req. lvl. 15) - Mana cost of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells reduced by 50%.
Glyph of Thorns (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Thorns ability by 50 min when cast on yourself.
Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Rebirth spell no longer requires a reagent.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Aimed Shot (Req. lvl. 20) - Reduces the mana cost of your Aimed Shot ability by 20%.
Glyph of Arcane Shot (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Arcane Shot refunds 20% of its mana cost if the target has one of your Stings active on it.
Glyph of Aspect of the Beast (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the attack power bonus of Aspect of the Beast for you and your pet by an additional 2%.
Glyph of Aspect of the Monkey (Req. lvl. 15) - While Aspect of the Moneky is active, each time you dodge you gain 30% increased movement speed for 6 sec.
Glyph of Aspect of the Viper (Req. lvl. 64) - Increases the amount of mana gained from attacks while Aspect of the Viper is active by 10%.
Glyph of Bestial Wrath (Req. lvl. 40) - Decreases the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by 20 sec.
Glyph of Deterrence (Req. lvl. 20) - Decreases the cooldown of Deterrence by 20 sec.
Glyph of Disengage (Req. lvl. 20) - Decreases the cooldown of Disengage by 5 sec.
Glyph of Freezing Trap (Req. lvl. 20) - When your Freezing Trap breaks, the victim's movement speed is reduced by 30% for 4 sec.
Glyph of Frost Trap (Req. lvl. 28) - Increases the radius of the effect from your Frost Trap by 2 yards.
Glyph of Hunter's Mark (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the attack power bonus of your Hunter's Mark by 20%.
Glyph of Immolation Trap (Req. lvl. 16) - Decreases the duration of the effect from your Immolation Trap by 6 sec., but damage while active is increased by 100%.
Glyph of Improved Aspect of the Hawk (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the haste bonus of the Improved Aspect of the Hawk effect by an additional 6%.
Glyph of Multi-Shot (Req. lvl. 18) - Decreases the cooldown of Multi-Shot by 1 sec.
Glyph of Rapid Fire (Req. lvl. 26) - Increases the haste from Rapid Fire by an additional 8%.
Glyph of Serpent Sting (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Serpent Sting by 3 sec.
Glyph of Snake Trap (Req. lvl. 68) - Your Snake Trap creates 2 additional snakes.
Glyph of Steady Shot (Req. lvl. 62) - Increases the damage dealt by Steady Shot by 10% when your target is afflicted with Serpent Sting.
Glyph of Trueshot Aura (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the attack power bonus of Trueshot Aura by an additional 2%.
Glyph of Volley (Req. lvl. 40) - Decreases the mana cost of Volley by 20%.
Glyph of Wyvern Sting (Req. lvl. 40) - Decreases the cooldown of your Wyvern Sting by 15 sec., but decreases the damage it deals by 20%.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Feign Death (Req. lvl. 30) - Reduces the cooldown of your Feign Death spell by 5 sec.
Glyph of Mend Pet (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Mend Pet spell increases your pet's happiness slightly.
Glyph of Possessed Strength (Req. lvl. 18) - Increases the damage your pet inflicts while using Eyes of the Beast by 50%.
Glyph of Revive Pet (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Revive Pet by 100%.
Glyph of Scare Beast (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Scare Beast by 75%.
Glyph of the Pack (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the range of your Aspect of the Pack ability by 15 yards.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Arcane Explosion (Req. lvl. 19) - Reduces mana cost of Arcane Explosion by 10%.
Glyph of Arcane Missiles (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the range of Arcane Missiles by 5 yards.
Glyph of Arcane Power (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the duration of Arcane Power by 3 sec.
Glyph of Blink (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the distance you travel with the Blink spell by 5 yards.
Glyph of Evocation (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Evocation ability also causes you to regain 60% of your health over its duration.
Glyph of Fire Blast (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the critical strike chance of Fire Blast by 50% when the target is stunned or incapacitated.
Glyph of Fireball (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the critical strike chance of Fireball by 5%, but removes the damage over time effect.
Glyph of Frost Nova (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Frost Nova targets can take an additional 20% damage before the Frost Nova effect automatically breaks.
Glyph of Frostbolt (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the damage dealt by Frostbolt by 5%, but removes the slowing effect.
Glyph of Frostfire (Req. lvl. 75) - Increases the initial damage dealt by Frostfire Bolt by 2% and its critical strike chance by 2%.
Glyph of Ice Armor (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Ice Armor and Frost Armor spells grant an additional 20% armor and resistance.
Glyph of Ice Block (Req. lvl. 30) - Your Frost Nova cooldown is now reset every time you use Ice Block.
Glyph of Ice Lance (Req. lvl. 66) - Increases the range of your Ice Lance by 5 yards.
Glyph of Icy Veins (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Icy Veins ability also removes all movement slowing and cast time slowing effects.
Glyph of Improved Scorch (Req. lvl. 20) - The Improved Scorch talent now generates 3 applications of the Improved Scorch effect each time Scorch is cast.
Glyph of Invisibility (Req. lvl. 68) - Increases the duration of the Invisibility effect by 5 sec.
Glyph of Mage Armor (Req. lvl. 34) - Your Mage Armor spell grants an additional 20% mana regeneration while casting.
Glyph of Mana Gem (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the mana recieved from using a mana gem by 10%.
Glyph of Molten Armor (Req. lvl. 62) - Your Molten Armor spell grants an additional 2% critical strike chance.
Glyph of Polymorph (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Polymorph spell also removes all damage over time effects from the target.
Glyph of Remove Curse (Req. lvl. 18) - Your Remove Curse spell also makes the target immune to all Curses for 4 sec.
Glyph of Water Elemental (Req. lvl. 50) - Reduces the cooldown of your Summon Water Elemental spell by 30 sec.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Arcane Intellect (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the mana cost of your Arcane Intellect and Arcane Brilliance spells by 50%.
Glyph of Fire Ward (Req. lvl. 20) - You have an additional 5% chance to reflect Fire spells while your Fire Ward is active.
Glyph of Frost Armor (Req. lvl. 15) - Increase the duration of your Frost Armor and Ice Armor spells by 30 min.
Glyph of Frost Ward (Req. lvl. 20) - You have an additional 5% chance to reflect Frost spells while your Frost Ward is active.
Glyph of Slow Fall (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Slow Fall spell no longer requires a reagent.
Glyph of the Bear Cub (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Polymorph: Sheep spell polymorphs the target into a polar bear cub instead.
Glyph of the Penguin (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Polymorph: Sheep spell polymorphs the target into a penguin instead.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Avenger's Shield (Req. lvl. 50) - Your Avenger's Shield hits 2 fewer targets, but for 100% more damage.
Glyph of Avenging Wrath (Req. lvl. 70) - Reduces the cooldown of your Hammer of Wrath spell by 50% while Avenging Wrath is active.
Glyph of Cleansing (Req. lvl. 35) - Reduces the mana cost of your Cleanse and Purify spells by 20%.
Glyph of Consecration (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the duration and cooldown of Consecration by 2 sec.
Glyph of Crusader Strike (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Crusader strike deals 20% more damage when your target is incapacitated or stunned.
Glyph of Divinity (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Lay on Hands also grants you as much mana as it grants your target.
Glyph of Exorcism (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Exorcism also interrupts spellcasting for 2 sec.
Glyph of Flash of Light (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Flash of Light heals for 50% less initially, but also heals for 140% of its inital effect over 12 sec.
Glyph of Hammer of Justice (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases your Hammer of Justice duration by 1 sec.
Glyph of Hammer of Wrath (Req. lvl. 44) - Increases the range on Hammer of Wrath by 5 yards.
Glyph of Holy Light (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Holy Light grants 10% of its heal amount to up to 5 friendly targets within 100 yds of the initial target.
Glyph of Judgement (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Judgements deal 10% more damage.
Glyph of Righteous Defense (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the chance for your Righteous Defense ability to work successfully by 8% on each target.
Glyph of Seal of Blood (Req. lvl. 50) - Your Seal of Blood or Seal of the Martyr increases the mana received from Spiritual Attunement by 10% while active.
Glyph of Seal of Command (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the chance of dealing Seal of Command damage by 20%.
Glyph of Seal of Light (Req. lvl. 30) - While Seal of Light is active, the effect of your healing spells is increased by 5%.
Glyph of Seal of Righteousness (Req. lvl. 50) - Reduces the cost of your Judgement spells by 10% while Seal of Righteousness is active.
Glyph of Seal of Vengeance (Req. lvl. 50) - Your Seal of Vengeance or Seal of Corruption also grants 10 expertise while active.
Glyph of Seal of Wisdom (Req. lvl. 38) - While Seal of Wisdom is active, the cost of your healing spells is reduced by 5%.
Glyph of Spiritual Attunement (Req. lvl. 18) - Increases the amount of mana gained from your Spiritual Attunement spell by an additional 2%.
Glyph of Turn Evil (Req. lvl. 24) - Reduces the casting time of your Turn Evil spell by 100%.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Blessing of Kings (Req. lvl. 20) - Reduces the mana cost of your Blessing of Kings and Greater Blessing of Kings spells by 50%.
Glyph of Blessing of Might (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Blessing of Might spell by 20 min when cast on yourself.
Glyph of Blessing of Wisdom (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Blessing of Wisdom spell by 20 min when cast on yourself.
Glyph of Lay on Hands (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the mana restored by your Lay on Hands spell by 20%.
Glyph of Sense Undead (Req. lvl. 20) - Damage against Undead increased by 1% while your Sense Undead ability is active.
Glyph of the Wise (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the mana cost of your Seal of Wisdom spell by 50%.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Circle of Healing (Req. lvl. 50) - Your Circle of Healing spell heals 1 additional target.
Glyph of Dispel Magic (Req. lvl. 18) - Your Dispel Magic spell also heals your target for 6% of maximum health.
Glyph of Fade (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration and cooldown of your Fade spell by 50%.
Glyph of Fear Ward (Req. lvl. 20) - Reduces cooldown and duration of Fear Ward by 30 sec.
Glyph of Flash Heal (Req. lvl. 20) - Reduces the mana cost of your Flash Heal by 10%.
Glyph of Holy Nova (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Holy Nova spell heals for an additional 40%, but deals 40% less damage.
Glyph of Inner Fire (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the charges on your Inner Fire spell by 20.
Glyph of Lightwell (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the amount healed by your Lightwell by 20%
Glyph of Mass Dispel (Req. lvl. 70) - Reduces the mana cost of Mass Dispel by 20%.
Glyph of Mind Control (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the duration of your Mind Control spell by 12 sec.
Glyph of Mind Flay (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the range of your Mind Flay spell by 10 yards, but it no longer reduces the target's movement speed.
Glyph of Mind Soothe (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the duration of your Mind Soothe spell by 5 sec. and reduces the range at which the victim will attack by an additional 100%.
Glyph of Power Word: Shield (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Power Word: Shield also heals the target for 20% of the absorption amount.
Glyph of Prayer of Healing (Req. lvl. 30) - Your Prayer of Healing spell also heals an additional 20% of its initial heal over 6 sec.
Glyph of Psychic Scream (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Psychic Scream by 1 sec.
Glyph of Renew (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the duration of your Renew by 3 sec. but increases the amount healed each tick by 25%.
Glyph of Scourge Imprisonment (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the chance of success for your Shackle Undead spell by 8%.
Glyph of Shadow Word: Death (Req. lvl. 62) - Targets below 35% health take an additional 10% damage from your Shadow Word: Death spell.
Glyph of Shadow Word: Pain (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the mana cost of your Shadow Word: Pain spell by 20%.
Glyph of Smite (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the chance you'll resist spell interruption when casting your Smite spell by 50%.
Glyph of Spirit of Redemption (Req. lvl. 30) - All heals cast while Spirit of Redemption is active have a 20% chance to increase the remaining duration of Spirit of Redemption by 5 sec.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Fading (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the mana cost of your Fade spell by 30%.
Glyph of Fortitude (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the mana cost of your Power Word: Fortitude and Prayer of Fortitude spells by 50%.
Glyph of Levitate (Req. lvl. 34) - Your Levitate spell no longer requires a reagent.
Glyph of Shackle Undead (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the range of your Shackle Undead spell by 5 yards.
Glyph of Shadow Protection (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the duration of your Shadow Protection and Prayer of Shadow Protection spells by 10 min.
Glyph of Shadowfiend (Req. lvl. 66) - Receive 5% of your maximum mana if your Shadowfiend dies from damage.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Adrenaline Rush (Req. lvl. 40) - Decreases the cooldown of Adrenaline Rush by 60 sec.
Glyph of Ambush (Req. lvl. 18) - Increases the range on Ambush by 5 yards.
Glyph of Backstab (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the damage dealt by Backstab to stunned and incapacitated targets by 20%.
Glyph of Blade Flurry (Req. lvl. 30) - Reduces the energy cost of Blade Flurry by 100%.
Glyph of Crippling Poison (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the chance to trigger Crippling Poison by 10%.
Glyph of Deadly Throw (Req. lvl. 64) - Increases the range on Deadly Throw by 5 yards.
Glyph of Evasion (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of Evasion by 5 sec.
Glyph of Eviscerate (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the critical strike chance of Eviscerate by 10%.
Glyph of Expose Armor (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of Expose Armor by 10 sec.
Glyph of Feint (Req. lvl. 16) - Reduces the energy cost of Feint by 10.
Glyph of Garrote (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the duration of your Garrote ability by 3 sec and increases the total damage it deals by 20%.
Glyph of Ghostly Strike (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the damage dealt by Ghostly Strike by 40% and the duration of its effect by 4 sec, but increases its cooldown by 10 sec.
Glyph of Gouge (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the energy cost of Gouge by 10.
Glyph of Hemorrhage (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the damage bonus against targets afflicted by Hemorrhage by 40%.
Glyph of Preparation (Req. lvl. 30) - Your Preparation ability also instantly resets the cooldown of Blade Flurry, Dismantle, and Kick.
Glyph of Rupture (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the duration of Rupture by 5 sec.
Glyph of Sap (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of Sap by 10 sec.
Glyph of Shiv (Req. lvl. 70) - Reduces the energy cost of Shiv by 5.
Glyph of Sinister Strike (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Sinister Strike critical strikes have a 40% chance to add an additional combo point.
Glyph of Slice and Dice (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of Slice and Dice by 3 sec.
Glyph of Sprint (Req. lvl. 15) - Decreases the cooldown of Sprint by 60 sec.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Blurred Speed (Req. lvl. 15) - Enables you to walk on water while your Sprint ability is active.
Glyph of Distract (Req. lvl. 22) - Increases the range of your Distract ability by 5 yards.
Glyph of Pick Lock (Req. lvl. 16) - Reduces the cast time of your Pick Lock ability by 75%.
Glyph of Pick Pocket (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the range of your Pick Pocket ability by 5 yards.
Glyph of Safe Fall (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the distance your Safe Fall ability allows you to fall without taking damage.
Glyph of Vanish (Req. lvl. 22) - Increases your movement speed by 30% while the Vanish effect is active.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Chain Heal (Req. lvl. 40) - Your Chain Heal heals 1 additional target.
Glyph of Chain Lightning (Req. lvl. 32) - Your Chain Lightning strikes 1 additional target.
Glyph of Earth Elemental Totem (Req. lvl. 66) - Reduces the cooldown of your Earth Elemental Totem by 4 min.
Glyph of Earth Shock (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the global cooldown triggered by your Earth Shock ability by 1 sec.
Glyph of Earthliving Weapon (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the chance for your Earthliving weapon to trigger by 5%.
Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem (Req. lvl. 68) - Reduces the cooldown of your Fire Elemental Totem by 4 min.
Glyph of Fire Nova Totem (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the radius of Fire Nova Totem's effect by 2 yards.
Glyph of Flame Shock (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Flame Shock ability by 3 sec.
Glyph of Flametongue Weapon (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases spell critical strike chance by 2% while Flametongue Weapon is active.
Glyph of Frost Shock (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the duration of your Frost Shock by 2 sec.
Glyph of Healing Stream Totem (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Healing Stream Totem heals for an additional 20%.
Glyph of Healing Wave (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Healing Wave also heals you for 20% of the healing effect when you heal someone else.
Glyph of Lesser Healing Wave (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Lesser Healing Wave heals for 20% more if the target is also affected by your Earth Shield.
Glyph of Lightning Bolt (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the cost of your Lightning Bolt ability by 10%.
Glyph of Lightning Shield (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the damage from Lightning Shield by 20%.
Glyph of Mana Tide Totem (Req. lvl. 40) - Your Mana Tide Totem grants an additional Spell Power of each target's maximum mana each time it pulses.
Glyph of Stormstrike (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the nature damage bonus from your Stormstrike ability by an additional 8%.
Glyph of Strength of Earth Totem (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Strength of Earth Totem also grants 1% melee and ranged critical strike chance.
Glyph of Totem of Wrath (Req. lvl. 50) - Your Totem of Wrath also grants 1% spell haste.
Glyph of Water Mastery (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the passive mana regeneration of your Water Shield spell by 30%.
Glyph of Windfury Weapon (Req. lvl. 30) - The attack power bonus on the additional attacks granted by Windfury Weapon is increased by 40%.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Astral Recall (Req. lvl. 30) - Cooldown of your Astral Recall spell reduced by 2.5 min.
Glyph of Ghost Wolf (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Ghost Wolf form regenerates an additional 1% of your maximum health every 5 sec.
Glyph of Renewed Life (Req. lvl. 30) - All stats increased by 5% for 1 min when you Reincarnate.
Glyph of Water Breathing (Req. lvl. 22) - Your Water Breathing spell no longer requires a reagent.
Glyph of Water Shield (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the number of charges on your Water Shield spell by 1.
Glyph of Water Walking (Req. lvl. 28) - Your Water Walking spell no longer requires a reagent.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Banish (Req. lvl. 28) - Increases the duration of your Banish by 5 sec.
Glyph of Conflagrate (Req. lvl. 40) - Reduces the mana cost of your Conflagrate by 20%.
Glyph of Corruption (Req. lvl. 15) - You Corruption spell has a 4% chance to cause you to enter a Shadow Trance state after damaging the opponent. The Shadow Trance state reduces the casting time of your next Shadow Bolt spell by 100%.
Glyph of Curse of Agony (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Curse of Agony by 4 sec.
Glyph of Death Coil (Req. lvl. 42) - Increases the duration of your Death Coil by 0.5 sec.
Glyph of Fear (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the damage your Fear target can take before the Fear effect is removed by 20%.
Glyph of Felguard (Req. lvl. 50) - Increases the Felguard's total attack power by 10%.
Glyph of Felhunter (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the critical strike chance of your Felhunter's Shadow Bite ability by 6%.
Glyph of Health Funnel (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the chance you'll resist spell interruption when channeling your Health Funnel spell by 100%.
Glyph of Healthstone (Req. lvl. 15) - You receive 30% more healing from using a healthstone.
Glyph of Howl of Terror (Req. lvl. 40) - Reduces the cooldown on your Howl of Terror spell by 8 sec.
Glyph of Immolate (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the periodic damage of your Immolate by 20% but decreases its initial damage by 10%.
Glyph of Imp (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the damage done by your Imp's Firebolt spell by 10%.
Glyph of Searing Pain (Req. lvl. 18) - Increases the critical strike bonus of your Searing Pain by 20%.
Glyph of Shadow Bolt (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the mana cost of your Shadow Bolt by 10%.
Glyph of Shadowburn (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the critical strike chance of Shadowburn by 20% when the target is below 35% health.
Glyph of Siphon Life (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the effect of your Siphon Life spell by 20%.
Glyph of Soulstone (Req. lvl. 18) - Increases the amount of health you gain from resurrecting via your Soulstone by 300%.
Glyph of Succubus (Req. lvl. 26) - Increases the duration of your Succubus's Seduction by 3 sec.
Glyph of Unstable Affliction (Req. lvl. 50) - Decreases the casting time of your Unstable Affliction by 0.2 sec.
Glyph of Voidwalker (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases your Voidwalker's total Stamina by 20%.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Curse of Exhaustion (Req. lvl. 70) - Increases the range of your Curse of Exhaustion spell by 5 yards.
Glyph of Drain Soul (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Drain Soul ability occasionally creates an additional soul shard.
Glyph of Enslave Demon (Req. lvl. 30) - Reduces the cast time of your Enslave Demon spell by 50%.
Glyph of Kilrogg (Req. lvl. 22) - Increases the movement speed of your Eye of Kilrogg by 50% and allows it to fly in areas where flying mounts are enabled.
Glyph of Souls (Req. lvl. 68) - Your Ritual of Souls spell no longer requires a Soul Shard.
Glyph of Unending Breath (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the swim speed of targets affected by your Unending Breath spell by 20%.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Barbaric Insults (Req. lvl. 16) - Your Mocking Blow ability also taunts the target.
Glyph of Blocking (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases your block value by 10% for 10 sec after using your Shield Slam ability.
Glyph of Bloodthirst (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the healing you receive from your Bloodthirst ability by 20%.
Glyph of Cleaving (Req. lvl. 20) - Reduces the rage cost of Cleave by 5.
Glyph of Devastate (Req. lvl. 50) - Your Devastate ability now applies two stacks of Sunder Armor.
Glyph of Execution (Req. lvl. 24) - Your Execute ability deals damage as if you had 10 additional rage.
Glyph of Hamstring (Req. lvl. 15) - Gives your Hamstring ability a 10% chance to immobilize the target for 5 sec.
Glyph of Heroic Strike (Req. lvl. 15) - You gain 10 rage when you critically strike with your Heroic Strike ability.
Glyph of Intervene (Req. lvl. 70) - Increases the number attacks you intercept for your Intervene target by 1.
Glyph of Last Stand (Req. lvl. 20) - Reduces the cooldown of your Last Stand ability by 3 min, but also reduces the maximum health gained by 10%.
Glyph of Mortal Strike (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the damage of your Mortal Strike ability by 10% but the healing penalty is reduced by half.
Glyph of Overpower (Req. lvl. 15) - Adds a 50% chance to enable your Overpower when your attacks are parried.
Glyph of Rapid Charge (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the cooldown of your Charge ability by 20%.
Glyph of Rending (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Rend ability by 3 sec.
Glyph of Resonating Power (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the rage cost of your Thunder Clap ability by 5.
Glyph of Revenge (Req. lvl. 15) - After using Revenge, your next Heroic Strike costs no rage.
Glyph of Sunder Armor (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Sunder Armor ability affects a second nearby target.
Glyph of Sweeping Strikes (Req. lvl. 30) - You generate 30 rage over 12 sec when you use your Sweeping Strikes ability.
Glyph of Taunt (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the chance for your Taunt ability to succeed by 8%.
Glyph of Victory Rush (Req. lvl. 62) - Your Victory Rush ability has a 30% increased critical strike chance against targets above 90% health.
Glyph of Whirlwind (Req. lvl. 36) - Increases the number of targets your Whirlwind ability hits by 1.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Battle (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Battle Shout ability by 1 min.
Glyph of Bloodrage (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the health cost of your Bloodrage ability by 50%.
Glyph of Charge (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the range of your Charge ability by 5 yards.
Glyph of Enduring Victory (Req. lvl. 62) - Increases the window of opportunity in which you can use Victory Rush by 5 sec.
Glyph of Mocking Blow (Req. lvl. 16) - Increases the damage of your Mocking Blow ability by 25%.
Glyph of Thunder Clap (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the radius of your Thunder Clap ability by 2 yards.
Viene introdotta una nuova professione: inscription. Gli inscriptioner possono creare glifi per potenziare gli spell delle varie classi (vedi sotto), ma non solo, gli inscriptioner, possono anche:
* creare velli utilizzabili dagli enchanter per trascrivere sui suddetti i loro incantamenti che andranno utilizzati in un secondo momento. Fondamentalmente questo item sarà utilizzato per rivendere gli enchantements in Auction House.
* Gli inscribers possono creare pergamene per potenziare le stats come Scroll of Strength IV o qualunque altra pergamena. Possono anche creare la Scroll of Recall, ma il suo utilizzo è limitato ai oli inscriber.
* Ovviamente i Class Glyphs.
Per crare la maggior parte dei loro oggetti, gli inscribers necessitano di una pergamena (in vendita dai vendor) e degli inchiostri. Gli inchiostri sono creati dai pigmenti ottenuti dalla macinatura delle erbe raccolte dagli herbalist (funziona esattamente come prospecting per jewelcrafters).
I vari inchiostri sono ottenuti con le seguenti erbe:
Alabaster Pigment - Peacebloom, Silverleaf, Earthroot
Dusky Pigment / Verdant Pigment - Mageroyal, Briarthorn, Swiftthistle, Bruiseweed, Stranglekelp
Golden Pigment / Burnt Pigment - Wild Steelbloom, Grave Moss, Kingsbloom, Liferoot
Emerald Pigment / Indigo Pigment - Fadeleaf, Goldthorn, Khadgar's Wiskher, Wintersbite
Violet Pigment / Ruby Pigment - Firebloom, Purple Lotus, Arthas' Tears, Sungrass, Blindweed, Ghost Mushroom, Gromsbloom
Silvery Pigment / Sapphire Pigment - Golden Sansam, Dreamfoil, Mountain Silversage, Plaguebloom, Icecap
Nether Pigment / Ebon Pigment - Outland herbs
Azure Pigment / Icy Pigment - Northrend herbs
Class Glyphs.
I Class Glyphs sono un nuovo tipo di oggetto creato grazie ad inscription, i glifi permettono di variare le stats o le meccaniche dei vari spell modificandole.
Nello spell book, troverete la nuova interfaccia per i glifi che vi darà la possibilità di accedere a 6 glifi:
* 3 Major Glyphs - I glifi maggiori modificano i vostri spell con dei potenti upgrade, come ad esempio l'aumento del danno o della rage, o anche effetti aggiuntivi.
* 3 Minor Glyphs - I glifi minori nella maggior parte dei casi apportano una riduzione del costo degli spell (mana o reagenti) e anche piccoli cambiamenti estetici.
Dopo aver comprato i glifi in AH o direttamente da un inscriber, dovrete essere vicino ad un Lexicon of Power per usarlo (si tratta di un item simile ad una forgia, si può trovare vicino a quasi tutti i trainer di inscription).
Quando si utilizza uno slot glifo, il glifo si distugge e l'effetto viene aggiunto nello slot. E' possibile sovrascriverei vechi glifi e sostituiri con dei nuovi quando si vuole.
I glifi si sbloccano con il passare del tempo e se la versione della 3.0.2 corrisponde all'ultima build della beta, al 70 si potranno usare 2 Major Glyphs e 3 Minor Glyphs, tuttavia la lista qui sotto riportata non è ancora confermata al 100%:
* Level 15 : 1 Major / 1 Minor
* Level 30 : 2 Major / 1 Minor
* Level 50 : 2 Major / 2 Minor
* Level 70 : 2 Major / 3 Minor
* Level 80 : 3 Major / 3 Minor
Eccoci di nuovo qui a fare il punto della situazione.
Questo è un breve riepilogo di tutti i cambiamenti importati dalla 3.0.2
Una volta che questa patch sarà rilasciata i seguenti contenuti verranno disabilitati o rimossi:
* La quest di Atiesh non sarà più completabile.
* Non ci sarà più la Bear Mount di Zul'Aman.
* La catena di quest per attunarsi ad Onyxia sarà rimossa.
* Naxxramas non sarà più nelle Eastern Plaguelands, ma si sposterà a Dragonblight. Sarà irragggiungibile prima di WOTLK.
* Non sarà più possibile guadagnere i titoli di Hand of A'dal e Champion of the Naaru.
Saranno aggiunte o cambiate anche alcune cose:
* In ogni capitale sarà presente il Barbershop.
* Saranno aggiunti gli Achievements.
* Diminuito il punteggio di esperienza dal 60 al 70.
* Nuovi effetti grafici aggiunti al gioco inclusa la shadow engine.
* Disponibile il porto di Stormwind, ma non si potrà viaggiar fino a Northrend fino alla release di WotLK. Comunque ci saranno dei collegamenti tra Auberdine e Stormwind.
* Le Caverns of Time sono state leggermente modificate per aggiungere l'entrata per CoT: Stratholme. L'instance non sarà disponibile prima di WotLK.
* Le mounte e minipet diventano spell. I vecchi oggetti verranno usati per insegnarvi quel incantesimo. Una volta imparato lo spell per la monta o il minipet un apposito pannello nel menu personaggio.
* I vari token come i Badges of Justice o gli Honor Points andranno nella nuova Token Interface. I Badges of Justice e PvP Tokens saranno rimossi dalla propria bag liberando lo spazio!
* Sarà aggiunto il Game Calendar per programmare raids e eventi con i tuoi amici e congildati scrivendo /calendar
Cambiamenti degli item:
* +Healing e +Spell damage stats saranno fusi in un unica statistica: +Spell power. I talenti degli healer e spell sono stati aggiornati in modo da recepire il cambiamento.
* Gli oggetti che danno danno specifico come +shadow o +nature sono stati convertiti anche loro a +spell power. Questo include molti degli item di TBC ad eccezione di alcuni enchantments come Sunfire o Soulfrost.
* I set dei paladini protection e dei tank warrior vengono modificati per seguire le nueve meccaniche. Cambiano anche un sacco di oggeti che non fan parte dei set.
Cambiamenti sui raid:
* I buffs, debuffs e aure affliggono tutto il raid.
* Tutti i mob dei raid di TBC hanno gli hp ridotti del 30%. Anche i danni melee degli stessi sono ridotti.
* Le abilità dei Boss rimangono inalterate, ad eccezione di Illidan che non usa più Shear.
A domani (lavoro permettendo) per il riepilogo su pvp e classi.
Buongiorno a tutti!
Ormai manca poco al lancio della nuova patch, antipasto della nuova espansione.
La carne al fuoco è davvero tantissima, perciò noi di Road to TLK cercheremo di riassumere in questi giorni i cambiamenti più significati.
Come tutti ben sapete da domani sarà implementato il barbiere, che permetterà al vostro pg di cambiare look per una cifra che varia dai 3 ai 12 gold.
Potrete cambiare taglio e colore ai capelli, ma non solo, sarà possibile modificare gli accessori del vostro personaggio.
La grossa novità sono soprattutto dei tagli nuovi. Ogni razza avrà a disposizione diverse nuove acconciature mutuate dagli stili delle altre razze.
Blood elf F
Blood elf M
Draenei F
Draenei M
Dwarf F
Dwarf M
Gnome F
Gnome M
Human F
Human M
Night elf F
Night elf M
Orc F
Orc M
Tauren F
Tauren M
Troll F
Troll M
Unded F
Unded M
Ecco il primo aggiornamento sulla Blizzcon. Di sotto riportate le novità discusse in cerimonia di apertura (l'ora è quella di Anaheim).
11:00 AM - Cerimonia di apertura.
11:30 AM - L'annuncio maggiore della cerimonia di apertura riguarda la nuova classe di Diablo 3 - Il Mago, attendiamo la conferenza su Diablo 3 per maggiori dettagli sulla classe.
11:50 AM - Diablo 3 Wizard Gameplay Video su youtube.
12:00 PM - Confermato il nuovo progetto segreto della Blizzard: si tratterà di un nuovo MMO con un nuovo universo, ma purtroppo non ne sentiremo parlare ancora per un bel po'.
Comunque per chi volesse seguire in tempo reale il tutto è possibile farlo a questo link.
Parte oggi la Blizzcon 2008.
Calcolando le 10 ore di fuso (più o meno) cercheremo di seguire gli avvenimenti della convention che chiude i giochi per questo splendido 2008 di Mamma Bliz.
Poi siccome siamo masochisti e ci piace rosicare ecco la goodie bag.
Vi comunico che la collector's di WOTLK sarà distribuita in esclusiva da Game Stop Italia.
Se la volete, vi consiglio di prenotara prima di subito. Io mi sto già dirigendo alla volta di uno dei molissimi punti vendita di Milano.
Non so voi, ma io preferivo il vecchio modello di Ale...